

Dell Interactive Experiences that Drive Results

Differentiate Your Marketing & Sales Over the past decade, Kaon and leaders in Global Industries Marketing, ISG and more have partnered to differentiate Dell’s sales and marketing with interactive assets. As of May 2024, usage year-to-date of the Dell Global Industries Application reached: The Dell Global Industries Application helps easily guide our customers from those targeted outcomes through the use cases that deliver them, and educates them about Dell’s differentiation and our ability to minimize risk, accelerate implementation and improve those outcomes with better quality insights. -Wayne Arvidson, Dell Technologies Director of Market Development & Strategy Whether in-person or virtual, Kaon’s interactive, digital, customer engagement applications provide a seamless hybrid experience that puts customers in the driver’s seat to effectively…


Implications of Metaverse for B2B Sales & Marketing Leaders

As a sales and marketing leader, what does it mean to be B2B metaverse-ready when it comes to engaging and enabling buyers in a multi-person, immersive environment? Discussion Topics Why are B2B companies reframing the value of the metaverse?How will the metaverse impact B2B buyer engagement long-term?What does B2B selling in the metaverse look like today?How to integrate AR, VR, and existing engagement strategies into enterprise sales and marketing


Why Most B2B CX Experiences Fail @ CX Forums Boston Experience Summit

The global pandemic forced B2B companies to dramatically change their sales processes. The opportunity for growth with digital B2B sales efforts is tremendous, however, companies just aren't doing enough to effectively tell their complex stories, engage participants, and show their value differentiation in this new virtual world. Watch this session below to discover how sales and marketing teams can remedy current communication and engagement gaps through digital customer experiences for short-term and long-term business gains. Recorded on the Main Stage at CX Forums' Boston Experience Summit at City Winery in Boston, MA, May 10, 2022.


How the Metaverse Could Transform B2B Enterprise

The metaverse refers to a virtual reality experience that is becoming increasingly popular and is gaining traction in the B2B world. Metaverse provides a unique platform for businesses to interact with their customers, partners, and employees. It offers the potential to transform the way B2B enterprises operate and engage with stakeholders. Metaverse virtual events and trade shows allow businesses to showcase their products and services to a global audience in a realistic way. This eliminates the need for physical travel, reducing costs while increasing accessibility and reach. Virtual product demonstrations and training sessions make it easier to educate customers and employees. “Enterprise sales teams struggle to consistently communicate differentiated value when the solution is complex,” says Kaon Interactive CEO Gavin…


The Digital Revolution of Customer Engagement

As a global enterprise organization undergoing a shift to the energy transition, autonomy, and automation of the future, you need an agile enterprise sales and marketing solution that shifts with you. Used alone, the isolated point solutions (ERM, CRM, event platforms, website, email automation, sales enablement, apps) that helped in the past are not the solutions that will create your holistic digital customer engagement superhighway of the future. Your market is constantly changing. Your customers spend roughly two-thirds (57%-70%) of their buyer journey not speaking with you, and the expectation is that by 2025, 80% of your sales interaction with customers will take place in the digital channel. This means that you can no longer rely on trade shows or…

case study

Siemens Better Qualifies Leads with Interactive Storytelling Application

Persona- and Vertical-Focused Originally, Siemens Smart Infrastructure sought an application that would increase customer engagement at their executive briefing center and at trade shows. Field teams were still using printed materials and bringing on-off solutions to demonstrate products at industry events. By incorporating a digital customer experience platform and interactive application, they could deliver a consistent message and lower trade show costs by minimizing printed collateral and product shipping.  Kaon developed an agile, extendable, interactive, storytelling application addressing multiple vertical markets and personas with a simplified, personalized, consistent messaging — everywhere. Starting as a limited-scope pilot project, the Siemens SI application evolved over time to incorporate the full breadth of Building Technology capabilities -- and growing with additional vertical and…

case study

HPE Virtual Executive Briefing Center Quickly Attracts 300 Hours of Engagement

Agile Solutions for Modern Challenges With their executive briefing centers inaccessible during the pandemic, HPE lacked a way to engage potential visitors, executives, and decision-makers with a first-class, white-glove experience that made a lasting impact. Kaon generated a hyper-realistic, 3D immersive environment that effectively conveyed the HPE value story despite times of uncertainty. Since the experience was built on Kaon’s powerful enterprise platform, anyone across the globe can visit the virtual briefing center -- no flight required. It is also accessible to every member of the HPE EBC team. With briefing centers opening again, the virtual center will be incorporated into the physical experience and is featured on the HPE website home page. In a short period of time, the…

case study

Thousands Use Bently Nevada’s Interactive Application Weekly to Explore Solution Value

Bently Nevada’s sales reps were struggling to communicate the value of their plant-wide solutions to their customers – specifically, how their hardware and software could be used to optimize business operations. To help convey their value, Kaon Interactive created the Bently Nevada Plantwide Condition Monitoring application to empower sales and field marketing to have deeper, broader customer conversations everywhere their customers were (mobile, tablets, computers, web, touch screens). The application is designed to be used by customers to help them better understand relevant solutions for their industry challenges. Used by thousands of customers each week on the Bently Nevada website, the application clearly conveys how Bently Nevada’s solutions decrease downtime, enhance reliability and provide faster, more intelligent decisions.


Gavin Finn Interviewed on “Innovators with Jane King”


The Race To Differentiate the Customer Experience In a ‘4D’ Selling Model

Customers are constantly raising the bar for sellers. Nowhere is this pressure to adapt more acute than in business-to-business technology, equipment, and solutions markets. Over the last several years the B2B buying process has gotten longer. It involves more stakeholders. And happens almost entirely online. Most buyers under the age of 40 would prefer to discover, shop, and purchase without a sales rep involved at all if they could. Forbes Contributor Stephen Diorio writes that the emergence of “4D” selling systems – selling channels that are digitally enabled, displaced geographically, data-driven, and dynamic – as the primary mode of selling in the wake of the pandemic has only accelerated the pace of change. The move to “4D” selling has transformed the go-to-market…


How B2B Metaverse Can Transform Enterprise Sales & Marketing

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes The metaverse is here. Depending on where you (and your company) are on the technology adoption spectrum, it could be knocking on your door. Let's talk about the B2B metaverse. What is here – wherever you are on that spectrum – is a whole new world of possibility, opportunity, and imagination. We should NOT jump to the conclusion that the metaverse is only for gaming or only for consumer or social media use. And, we definitely should NOT confine this opportunity for enhanced collaboration and engagement to the limits of virtual reality. Marketers are creative and resourceful. Let’s think about how we can use this to our advantage to better reach increasingly disengaged and independent…

press release

Kaon Interactive Launches the First Metaverse Collaboration Platform for B2B Sales: LiveShare

MAYNARD, MA, February 15, 2022 –  Kaon Interactive, the leading provider of interactive sales and marketing applications for B2B enterprise brands, has launched the first metaverse collaboration platform designed exclusively for B2B sales. LiveShare® changes the customer's role from observer to an active participant during virtual meetings by enabling real-time, multi-user collaboration within Kaon’s applications. The result is increased customer engagement, personalization, and knowledge transfer, resulting in better buying decisions, faster.  Stop presenting. Start collaborating. Tailored specifically for B2B sales engagements, LiveShare was designed around the philosophy that hybrid and virtual meetings must actively involve all participants, rather than rely on passive screen-sharing that results in low engagement and distraction. Unlike video conferencing solutions (Zoom, WebEx, Teams), which are used for screen-sharing…



Prevent disengagement and multi-tasking in virtual sales meetings. LiveShare® eliminates the biggest challenge in virtual and hybrid B2B sales engagements –- distracted and passive buyers who are tuned out while sellers are presenting to them. Tailored specifically for B2B sales engagements, LiveShare was designed around the philosophy that hybrid and virtual sales meetings must actively involve all participants, rather than rely on passive screen sharing which results in low engagement and distraction. What resulted from that is the first metaverse collaboration platform that meets the needs of enterprise sellers. LiveShare is a metaverse collaboration platform exclusively for B2B sellers. Accelerate buying and reveal more accurate customer needs through buyer self-discovery and learning. LiveShare gives buyers a tool they can use…


Enterprise Tech’s Sales Playbook Looks to the Metaverse in 2022

The entire tech industry, as well as the corporate world at large, has been buzzing about the metaverse for months. This enthusiasm comes as no surprise, as the metaverse is poised to revolutionize the way that the majority of industries connect with their target audiences. In a recent interview, Gavin Finn, the CEO of Kaon Interactive, provided valuable insight into how the metaverse will influence the B2B sector such as enterprise sales. As metaverse technology offers a new range of capabilities for virtual engagement with customers, Gavin shared how companies can become "metaverse ready" and take advantage of the opportunities that offers.


What does it mean to be “metaverse-ready” in the B2B realm?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes For B2B companies, being metaverse-ready means building the capability to digitally engage with customers in a multi-person immersive environment -- that they may create or in that they may simply participate. Imagine 10 customers from their offices (or homes) all over the world to engage simultaneously in a digital workspace where they actively discover the value of your solutions in the context of their business needs. Essentially, companies can recreate their briefing centers and conference rooms for sales meetings in the metaverse, reaching and engaging with buyers like never before. Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash Framing the Metaverse for B2B While much of the initial hype about the metaverse has been about virtual reality…